When I first met you I admit I was lacking. I have always been active, And I would go to the gym occasionally. I would eat whatever I wanted to & since I have always been petite I thought it was ok. I had not been educated on fitness & a healthy lifestyle. I lost my way a little as far as working out when my Father passed. And it was hard getting back!However, Sherwood you gave me a jump start (a jolt) back to exercise. Not only that! But, you taught me about eating healthy and reading the food labels . And that it's not just about having endurance, but being stronger & faster. (bet you thought I wasn't listening , but I was) LOL.. I also know that if I have any questions that you will answer them for me! You have truly inspired me to continue on a health & fitness lifestyle. Because I have allot of living & loving & things to do in my life! You gave me such a jolt that exercise & eating healthy is my lifestyle now. Yes some days are more challenging than others, but since my transformation I cannot see myself going back to the old ways. I am now a Fitness Instructor!Thank you so much Sherwood!Big ups to you!